Friday, April 22, 2011

Day One

This is me!  I'm DeAnne and I just purchased the Garrett Ace 250 Metal Detector!  I thought since our acreage was founded in 1880 that there would be some pretty cool stuff on our property.  I didn't think my metal detector would be in this week but Bob the mailman delivered it yesterday!  (Thanks Canada Post!)  So, after we got home last night, we read the owner's manual and put this bad boy together!  We also watched the DVD that came with my Ace. 

This morning, we went for breakfast and headed to Peavey Mart to buy the "required Metal Detecting tools" which includes, a garden set, a spade, a pick, knee pads and a slurpee!  So, my journey began at 12:30pm. 

Kelly was helping me for a little while to get me started.  It didn't take long and then beep!  Beep!  Beep!  Beepbeepbeep!  Hooray!  What could our first find be?  I was so excited!  A ring?  A gold coin?  Maybe a gold nuget?  We got the shovel and dug.  The indicator said it was only 2" down.  As I flipped over the grass........I picked up........a lousy Bud Light Lime bottle cap.  Poo......

My second find wasn't much better.  See the rusty thing in my "treasure box"?  Yeah, that's a a lousy old rusty nut and bolt.  This is where Kelly lost interest.  I guess he doesn't have much staying power when it comes to treasure hunting.  It's not for everyone.  I get it but I'm not so easily bored.  Back at it.  I gotta tell you.  Digging holes is actually hard physical labour and I'm not 100% certain that "physical labour" is for this gal but I'm going to give it my best shot.  On with the hunt!

Accross the yard to softer ground!  Beep, beep, beep!  4" dig?  Ok, I'll get at it.  I grab my shovel and start digging.  I learned how to dig a hole in the grass from an old land surveyor.  Perfect!  A 12" diameter hole, tapered at the bottom, grab the grass top like I'm pulling my older sister's hair and voila!  A perfectly round piece of sod and my dreams of treasure lays just beyond an inch or two of dirt.  I'm so excited, what could lay beneath?!  Silver coins?  Gold bouliion?  Rings?  Money?! Here's what I found:

A crappy rusty nail.  Now my arms are tired, it's a nice day but still quite cool and my hopes of finding a cache are slowing melting away.  But I can't lose hope!  There must be treasure here somewhere!  I must press on.  The wind is cool, my arms are starting to cramp up as the 3lb metal detector goes back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.  Stop and check, swing back and forth, stop and check, swing back and forth......Then again!  That familiar sound!  Beep!  Beep! Beep!  Only this time it's something big!  A chest of gold?  The queen's crown?  A box full of money?!?.....

Nope.  I don't even know what the hell this is but it's old and metal and rusty.  Sigh.  I think it's time to go in the house and watch a movie and drink my slurpee.  Stay tuned for day 2 of the great treasure hunt!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Deanne, that was entertaining as hell. I never thought I would find a story of you digging holes so exciting. :) Keep it up. I can't wait for the next entry.
    PS. The pictures are perfect to keep my short attention span... Oh look a squirrel, gotta go. :)

    Best regards,
    Captain Awesome ESQ.
